Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday morning workout!

Happy Sunday morning everyone!!!

This morning was a perfect day for a workout it was cooler than it's been in the last few weeks and there was a slight breeze and morning is the only time my backyard gets any shade. Again it was just myself, my mom, my brother and my sister in law and they all did awesome.  Today was a mix of upper arm weight lifting and tabatas.

Warm up: 2 runs around my yard (it's a big yard)

Round 1 weights:

Bicep Curl x 20
External Rotation Bicep Curl x 20
Squat into calf raise x 20
Squat push press x 20
Arnolds x 20

Round 1 tabatas- 20 seconds of the exercise 10 seconds rest, move to the next repeat all twice

Switch Lunges
Single Leg Lunge jumps (right leg)
Single Leg Lunge jumps (left leg)
Squat jump to sprint then shuffle back


Round 2 weights

Triceps kickback with flat back x 20
Lying triceps press x 20
Dead Lifts x 20
Sumo Squats x 20
Pistons x 20 (plank position-jump both to one side, then back, then to opposite arm)

Round 2 tabatas

Jump squats with arms overhead
Side hops in plank position
Butt kickers


Curtsy Squat 10 each leg
Reverse lunges (alternating 10 each leg)
Alternate front raises x 20
Lateral raises x10
Shoulder press x 10

Round 3 Tabatas

Sumo Jump squats
Skier hops
High Knees


Wide hand push ups x 12
Plank with alternating knee to opposite elbow 10 each leg
Russian Twists x 20

You're done GOOD JOB!!!!!

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

My first bootcamp workout

So, I'm in no means a professional trainer, I don't have a certificate, but I do love to work out. Tonight I had my brother, his wife and my mom come by for my first workout.  It was about an hour long, and we worked on our lower body mainly bum and thighs and I did an ab workout afterwards.  I did 7 stations and everyone picked a station and we just rotated through. 1 minute of the exercise 30 seconds break

Warm up:
1:00  jumping jacks
1:00 High knees
1:00 Butt kickers

 Station 1: TRX (I'm not sure of the name of this one) facing away from the TRX straps underneath arm pits in push up position, on tippy toes squatting down

Station 2: Plie Squats with Shoulder Press

Station 3: Fire Hydrants (I leg only)

Station 4: Bridge with ball between knees

Station 5:  Jump Squats over Cones front

Station 6: Froggy Glute lifts

Station 7: Split Squats (1 leg)

Water Break about 1.5 minutes then back to the workout with different workouts at each station

Station 1: TRX Jump Squats

Station 2: Plie Pulses

Station 3: Fire Hydrant (other leg)

Station 4: Wall Sit with ball Squeeze

Station 5: Jump Squats over cones side ways

Station 6: Calf Raises

Station 7: Split Squat (opposite leg)

Water Break about 1.5 minutes then off to abs

1:00 plank
30 second side plank right
30 second side plank left
50 Bicycle crunches
25 Russian twists with weights
25 Reverse Crunches
25 Mountain Climbers
15 V Sits
30 second swimmers

Thursday, June 17, 2010

I cannot be stopped!!!

My second crochet dress turned out wayyyyy better than the first!! I also crocheted a hat with some leftover yarn I had. This is my first sale..I'm so happy!!!!

Thursday, June 3, 2010

My first crochet baby dress

I have been trying and trying to get a crochet baby dress right, and I finally did it!!!! I had no idea what to do with it, and one of the girls that I chat with loved it, so I sent it to her as a surprise...she should be getting it today. I used this pattern, I used a 5.5mm hook and it turned out to be a newborn size and not a preemie size..weird?

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Oh wait for it....

My first post blogging!! My page just looked so empty I had to do something right :)